Democratic Primary – TOMORROW – June 6th
The higher the turnout for elections in Montclair, the more people in power pay attention. Our Town needs resources for schools, infrastructure and much more. Please help our town by demonstrating that we vote big.
You may have noticed with the occasional flyer in the mail, that we’re having an election. The primary to determine who the Democratic nominees for the two Assembly and one Senate seat that represents Montclair, is on Tuesday, June 6th. This is also your opportunity to choose County Commissioners (legislators) to receive the Democratic Party nomination too.
Learn About State Candidates
New Jersey State Senate (You Choose One)
New Jersey State Assembly (You Choose Two)
In thinking about all of the needs that Montclair has, and to position ourselves with the strongest representatives to help deliver those resources, I am endorsing current Assembly Member John McKeon and Alixon Collazos-Gill for the two Assembly seats that represent Montclair.
These two together will be a force — two people I can text or call whenever Montclair needs something. With strong Montclair roots for both of their families, we can be sure they’ll advocate for us. From school funding to environmental issues to women’s and all civil rights, this is the dream Assembly team who will help Montclair start to get its fair share of State resources.
I am not endorsing in the State Senate race as both Senator Codey and Senator Gill are two public servants who I really admire.
Essex County Commissioner Candidates (these are your county legislators)
You choose one candidate to represent our district (district 5) and four at-large candidates to represent Montclair generally. A lot of people have asked for my guidance on this. I simply am endorsing Line A. I’m happy with the job our Commissioners do delivering county support for Montclair. Line A includes current County Commissioner and son of Montclair, Brendan Gill, who I endorse.

Change Party Affiliation
Registered Democrats and unaffiliated/independent voters are able to vote in the Democratic Primary. If you’re unaffiliated/independent, you’ll automatically be registered as a Democrat if you vote in the primary. Just in case you want to affiliate, here’s the form to join any party.
Polling Place
Voting on election day and not sure where you’re supposed to vote?
Thank you, everyone. Please vote.

Our mailing address is:
41 Watchung Plaza, Suite 318
Montclair, NJ 07042