Past Newsletters


Council Business Updates

Tonight we have a Council Meeting at 7:00pm at Town Hall – 205 Claremont Ave. You can find the relatively light agenda here. As always, you can attend in person, watch it on channel 34 through most cable providers or on the Township YouTube channel here. Below are just some highlights of action we’re planning. …

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I won’t be your next Mayor

This is one of the hardest notes that I’ve ever had to write. Bear with me. Growing up I used to watch the Christopher Reeve Superman films over and over. Like him, I wanted to be able to do things like rid the planet of nuclear weapons and help people in need. I’ve always had …

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More to say on Lackawanna Plaza

DIVING DEEPER ON LACKAWANNA PLAZA VOTEWhy Tonight. My Prepared Remarks on Conflict of Interest. More to Know about the Plan. Your Participation Good afternoon, everyone. Tonight, Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00pm we have a regular meeting of the Township Council. You can view the agenda for the meeting here. As always, the meeting is open …

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Fundraising Needs

An Update and Ask on Fundraising Montclair, I am so excited about my campaign for Mayor. I’ve now locked down three strong, new, and diverse candidates to run with me and am in conversation with several more with hopes of bringing a new majority into Council to continue to get Montclair on the right track. …

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Replay of Lackawanna Presentation

Watch the New Lackawanna Plaza Plan PresentationA leaner and greener plan with stronger historic preservation Special Council Meeting Tonight At the Mayor’s request, the Council will be holding a special Council Meeting tonight at 7:00pm at 205 Claremont Ave., also streaming on TV34 and the Township YouTube here. This meeting is solely to consider the …

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