Past Newsletters

Get ‘Lost in Jersey’ instead in one of my emails

I know, I know — sometimes my emails can be a little long. So how about this time, you just click and listen while you’re doing whatever you normally do if you listen to a podcasts? I promise — well, I don’t think anything will make you fall off the treadmill. Or maybe this can be your first podcast ever? Do it.

Listen to ‘Lost in Jersey’ with Peter Yacobellis here.

Peter Yacobellis – A Life of Public Service | Lost in Jersey – YouTube

Or visit their website where you can also listen to the podcast directly or check out other ones they’ve done, including of some other Montclair locals. 

This was me just trying to be “straight” with everyone about who I am, what I believe, and how our government works.

I thank you for even considering listening. And thank you to Janette and Rachel for hosting.
